How to prepare your presentation

Oral Presenter (INV/TC/O/LBO)

Your presentation should be prepared in .PPT or .PPTX format. Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Slide Dimensions: Width: 10 inches/25.4 cm x Height: 5.625 inches/14.288 cm

Selected Oral presentations (xxO) are 15 minutes long (10 minutes for your presentation + 5 minutes for Questions & Answers).
Late Breaking Oral Presentations (xxLBO) are 10 minutes long (8 minutes for your presentation + 2 minutes for Questions & Answers)

It is not mandatory to use the WMS 2024 Congress speaker template slides for the entire presentation, but we kindly request that you include the title slide with your name and title of your lecture at the start of your presentation, followed by the conflict of interest disclosure slide. The disclosure slide must be shown for a minimum of 10 seconds. Please note that the disclosure slide is required for the presenting author only.  Your slides should be emailed to Sue Munro, Speaker and Programme Manager at: [email protected] no later than September 30th 2024. 

WMS 2024 Congress speaker template slides
WMS 2024 Pre-Congress Teaching Course faculty template slides

Short Oral Presenter (P)

If a poster has been selected for a Short Oral Presentation, then the xxxP reference is the short oral and poster board presentation reference number.

A traditional physical poster should be displayed on the designated poster board in addition to your Short Oral Presentation.

In-Person Poster Presenter (P/LBP)

All in-person poster presenters will need to bring a printed poster.

You may use a template for guidance.

Traditional Printed Poster

Upload Poster

There is no actual restriction to the file dimensions as delegates will be able to zoom etc. The same file used for poster printing can also be uploaded to the virtual Congress platform. We suggest delegates go with the same dimensions etc. as the printed poster for uniformity and to prevent the duplication of work all around.

Poster printing

There are a number of local printers in Prague who can assist with printing your poster, WMS do not have a preferred supplier for this year. 

Poster size

Virtual Poster Presenter (VP/LBVP)

The poster board reference number is to be displayed in the TOP LEFT CORNER – xxxVP

You may use a template for guidance that can be downloaded HERE

Video Recording (MP4) to accompany your Poster (all In-Person and Virtual Poster Presenters)

Video Specifications

The technical requirements of the video are as follows:

Tools for Preparing the Video

You can prepare your video and its transcription using any recording and editing tool that will produce a video MP4 output ONLY that will meet the above specifications.

Using Descript: Free usage of the Descript app for video recording, editing, and captioning (available for Mac and Windows, but not Linux). Descript makes it very easy to record an on-screen presentation, optionally with a webcam view. The video is then automatically transcribed and Descript provides nice tools to quickly fix transcription errors. The video can also be edited directly by editing the transcription, for example, to cut out mistakes (no need to stop and restart recordings, just keep going), and fillers can be automatically removed. Once the video and transcription are ready, you can export them as .mp4.

Other options for video recording

You can use PowerPoint: Create Voice Over PowerPoint and convert to MP4
Another simple way to record the presentation is to use a video conferencing tool to record the content displayed by your computer screen and your voice recorded by the computer microphone, or an external microphone. In that way, you can show your face via webcam and display your slides as you talk. You can use any meeting software, as long as you get a good quality recording, and your final file is in the MP4 format. You may wish to edit the video after having recorded it. Here are some links to instructions on recording a meeting on common platforms:

In case you encounter any difficulties with the provided formats, please contact Michael Lockett, Platform Manager [email protected]

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