Oral Presenter Tip Sheet (INV / TC / O / LBO)
Advertising activities at the WMS 2024 Congress are restricted to medicinal products registered in Czechia or with EAM approval. Products without registration cannot be promoted, only on-label use is permitted. Please visit the following link for more information.
- Include your disclosures of financial relationships within the last 24 months and Pre-Congress Teaching Course/Congress objectives at the beginning of your presentation
- If you have no financial disclosures, state “No Disclosures” or “Nothing to Disclose”.
- Slide needs to display for a minimum of 10 seconds regardless of whether there is a disclosure or not.
- The content must not promote or unfavourably present the product or service of a commercial interest (i.e., pharmaceutical or medical device company, now known as ineligible companies).
- The content must provide a balanced view of therapeutic options that includes pharmacological, invasive, surgical, or non-pharmacological approaches.
- Selection of content must be done to serve the public interest by improving the quality of healthcare.
- Any clinical recommendations must be based on current science, evidence, and clinical reasoning while giving a fair and balanced view of diagnostic and therapeutic options.
- Please disclose sources of data (peer-reviewed journal articles and publications) within the corresponding slide.
- Please disclose limitations of data and off-label use within the corresponding slide. Please identify any unpublished information and/or abstracts being presented at the TOP of the corresponding slide.
- All scientific research referenced should conform to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection, and analysis.
- Content must be free of commercial bias and should not promote or sell products that serve any professional or financial interests. This includes promoting University/hospital/office services and facilities as well as products or services from which you can personally gain, such as health and wellness products, consulting services, websites, apps, and textbooks.
No product, service, or therapeutic option should be over-represented when comparing competing products, services, and therapeutic options. Generic names are preferable. If trade names are also used, they should be provided for all products discussed rather than for a single product only. Logos from industry are not permitted on any Pre-Congress Teaching Course/Congress materials including presentation slides and posters. If acknowledging funding sources, please use text to indicate funding was provided by any industry sources, not logos. Use of industry / ineligible company-prepared slides in a CME activity is not permitted.
- Hospital, NHS, or University logos are permissible to use on presentation slides and posters.